IMPACT GENERATION, un progetto ideato e sostenuto dalla Fondazione Compagnia di San Paolo nell’ambito della missione Accelerare l’Innovazione dell’Obiettivo Pianeta, in collaborazione con cooperativa D.O.C. e con il contributo formativo di Impact Europe.
Obiettivo del progetto è selezionare un gruppo consapevole di giovani donne e uomini e proporre un percorso formativo sui temi dell’Agenda 2030, la finanza e i progetti di impatto.
Gli “Impact Generators” provenienti da Italia, India, Romania, Turchia e Marocco, di età compresa tra i 18 e 25 anni si sono incontrati a Torino presso Open011 per un intenso corso di Formazione promosso da Fondazione Compagnia di San Paolo, realizzato da Cooperativa D.O.C., col contributo formativo di EVPA
Al termine del percorso formativo, i partecipanti di IMPACT GENERATION avranno anche la possibilità di prendere parte alla prossima edizione di IMPACT WEEK, che si terrà a Torino presso OGR il 23-24 novembre e di cui Fondazione Compagnia di San Paolo è anchor partner insieme a Fondazione CRT.
Tre giorni di formazione, scambio e condivisione per leader motivati da un fine: abbattere le barriere tra settori diversi e promuovere sinergie tra processi e persone in Europa e oltre.
Impact Generation rappresenta un’occasione significativa per partecipare e costruire un pensiero personale e di gruppo, libero e critico, riguardo ai temi del cambiamento e all’impatto che progetti innovativi e di sviluppo stanno generando.
Ci vediamo all’IMPACT WEEK

Maria Teleaga
My name is Maria Teleaga, I am 20 years old, and I come from Romania. I am a computer science student at the University of Genoa.
I strongly believe in the power of collaboration and the positive impact it can have on our future. I don’t want to be categorized in any specific field, which is why I love to travel a lot and always seek new and diverse experiences.

Filippo Longhi
Cello student at the Turin Conservatory of Music and cinema and media engineering student at the Polytechnic of Turin. Currently vice-president of the National Council for Higher Artistic and Musical Education, consultative body of the Ministry of University and Research, and member of the Young Advisory Board of the Compagnia di San Paolo Foundation.

Reysla Samara

Ecem Sezginer
Hi everyone! I’m Ecem a final year medical student in Turin. I have been deeply immersed in the world of healthcare, witnessing firsthand the critical challenges and disparities that exist within the industry and the struggles of medical professionals and students that persist after the pandemic as well. I am profoundly committed to improving healthcare access, promoting wellness, and seeking innovative solutions to healthcare issues from the perspective of a young, foreign female medical student. Simultaneously, my roles as a community builder in higher educational consultancy and tutor and coach of pre-med students have given me insight into the power of education as a catalyst for societal progress. I understand the significance of equipping individuals with knowledge and skills that can transform lives and communities. I envision the possibility of raising awareness among university and high school students by using educational tools and social media platforms as
cost-effective and crucial for our future. The potential to network and collaborate with fellow professionals and other young people within Youth Impact Agenda is an exciting prospect, as I believe it will open doors to new partnerships and innovative strategies to enhance this envision and my personal goal of creating impact in healthcare, education, and young international individuals. In my free time, you can catch me doing CrossFit or capturing life with my camera
With regard to the SDGs of Agenda 2030, I would like to work towards

Pietro Comba

Abderrahmane El habbab
Hello, I’m Abdo(Abderrahmane) from Casablanca, studying computer engineering at Politecnico di Torino. Chess and philosophy are my passions. I’m committed to building a world where children universally have equal access to rights, particularly advocating for SDG 16—Peace, Justice, and Strong Institutions. I envision a multipolar world with collaborative global authority, fostering diverse voices for a more inclusive and balanced world order.

Alessandro Domenico Goffredo
Alessandro, after graduating from the scientific high school, pursued studies in Business and Management at the University of Turin. Currently, he is an active member of the Young Advisory Board of the Compagnia di San Paolo Foundation, an experience that has significantly expanded his knowledge and interests